Stay in touch with the Raven. πŸͺΆπŸ“š Our newsletters are real page turners, we promise. We currently have four newsletters—sign up for whatever strikes your fancy!

Raven Digest

The big picture so you’re well-read on all Raven news and updates including collaborations with community partners, bookseller musings, staff creative writing, cat pictures, and other literary shenanigans. Delivers once a month.

Shelf Talkers in Your Inbox

The distillation of Raven booksellers’ favorite reads of all time, delivered directly to you. This newsletter will keep you in the loop on monthly staff picks, reviews of new releases, store bestselling titles, and more! Delivers once every week on Tuesdays. 


At the Raven

For our Lawrence locals who love snapping at poetry readings and asking visiting authors probing questions. “At the Raven” is the events beat, giving you all the details on upcoming Raven happenings and first access to registration for ticketed occasions. While the frequency of newsletters depends on our events calendar, we will rarely email you more than twice in one week.


The Fledgling Files

Out of the 10-15K books that the Raven stocks at any given time, 20-25% of those are titles for kids. If you’re a young reader or have a young reader in your life, The Fledgling Files is a newsletter to keep you informed on kids’ and teens’ titles at the Raven. Curated by our children’s book specialists, this newsletter goes out once a month.

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